— Empowering Africa’s Climate Action —

Access Carbon Finance Solutions

« There is urgency and much remain to do to tackle climate change.

For us Africans, climate change is not a long-term theoretical prediction that we need to anticipate, but it is already a tangible reality that our populations suffer from on a daily basis ”

Le Président de la République de Djibouti, Ismaïl Omar Guelleh


Africa is the most vulnerable continent to climate change impacts.

However, political and economic leaders’ commitments to enhancing climate actions and to reducing Green House Gases are conditional upon receiving adequate financial, technical and capacity building support.

Africa Carbon Solutions supports project developers, investors, and institutional decisions makers to define and implement energy, environmental and impact programs while accessing carbon finance solutions.

Africa Carbon Solutions has been founded by a team of executive professionals from investment banks, international organisations, strategic consulting and nature-based project development firms present in carbon markets for more than 20 years


To facilitate conception, financing and implementation of high-quality impact, environmental and energy projects in Africa

To accelerate energy and environmental transition programs thanks to the leverage of carbon finance.

Projects Origination
Audit and opportunity assessment
Project Design
Access To financing
Project Implementation
  • 1
    Projects Origination
  • 2
    Audit and opportunity assessment
  • 3
    Project Design
  • 4
    Access To financing
  • 5
    Project Implementation






Based on its unique expertise in project development and structuration, its technical partners, we support decision makers in defining relevant opportunities for impact, environmental and renewable energy projects development and selecting right partners to conceive and implement projects

Renewable Energy

  • Wind
  • Solar
  • Biomass
  • Hydro
  • Hydrogen

Nature-Based programs

  • Afforestation, Reforestation
  • Preservation
  • Asssisted Regeneration
  • Agro-Forestry

Energy Efficiency

  • Clean Cooking solutions
  • Low carbon fuel switching program

Livelihoods Improvement

  • Clean Water Access

  • Waste treatment and recycling

Projects Assessment and Registration

We support project development through the entire lifecycle of developing carbon credits: from project assessment and design to registration, implementation and marketing.

Structuration and Financing

Our team brings its experience in cross-border environmental and energy projects transactions and structured finance to structure business models and provide access to international financiers.

  • Structuring and design of the legal, commercial and financial aspects of each project to optimize for all parties involved, including establishing project SPVs, contract drafting and governance design.

  • Working with in-country partners and financiers to scope, structure and budget each project and identify project risks, mitigants and opportunities.
  • Optimization of financial support with innovative structures tailored to specific project requirements.
  • Fund raising and access to the global carbon finance ecosystem.

Implementation and Management

Africa Carbon Solutions team stands alongside projects stakeholders during the whole life of a project to ensure robust operations management, monitoring, and best-in-class governance.